Do Away with the Old Testament?

Don’t misunderstand why I have come. I did not come to abolish the law of Moses or the writings of the prophets. No, I came to accomplish their purpose.                                                    Matthew 5:17 NLT

When we look at the totality of Matthew chapters five through seven, it is easy to see why Jesus said what he did in 5:17-20. It certainly looks like he was contradicting what the Old Testament says. This is especially true about blessing. Moses says (e.g. Dt 7:12-16) that if you serve God he will bless you by making you “healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Jesus says says you are really blessed if you are poor, crying, hungry, don’t get your own way, are rejected and despised? Huh?

So what is going on? In the Old Testament, God is dealing with spiritual kindergartners, people who have lived in the most pagan environment of their day. He wants to tell them that it is in their best interest to live according to his plan for life and not the other way. So how does he make his point to these children? He uses very concrete, material incentives to make it. The point is: serve God faithfully and you will be blessed.

Ah, but what constitutes true blessing? Is blessing material or is it spiritual? It is spiritual! If you are not experiencing the blessed presence of God in your life, none of that other stuff is worth anything at all. On the other hand, if you have that presence, the other stuff can come or go. So what does Jesus mean when he says you are really blessed if you are poor, etc.? Carefully notice Jesus’ words in Matthew 5:11: “because of me.” There it is. Yes, it is in our best interest to serve Jesus. BUT, in this world that hates Jesus, if you choose to walk with him, be prepared not to be rich, and full, and dominant, and laughing. Be prepared not to be admired and accepted. Choose to enjoy the Spirit of God in your life, and the character of Christ, at all costs.

We in America have been able to have it both ways for a couple of centuries: we have been able to be rich and have Jesus. That is all changing before our eyes. Get ready, American Christians. What price are you willing to pay for blessing, real blessing?

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